Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Day in Chattanooga

(I took all these photos)

A Saturday outing with such an amazing friend. We decided to go to Ruby Falls and the Chattanooga Aquarium, since it is a little chilly to do an outside activity. Trying to think of a place to eat is probably the hardest thing to think of(or at least for me it is hah), thankfully we decided on SUSHI, mmmmm! I cannot wait to have more exciting adventures.

-I also found the cute little owls salt&pepper shakers at the Chattanooga Aquarium. (If you wondering why there is a picture of owls)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Loving This Weather!

Finally, I have been waiting for a day like today to wear my tights I have recently purchased from Chicwish. I absolutely adore the polka dot design on them. I had to go to class to take my Macroeconomics test and almost everyone I ran into complimented me on my outfit. I was also voted treasurer of the Sociology Club at the college I am currently attending. Overall, today has been a wonderful day! (:

Sweater; Forever21 | Skirt; Vintage | Tights; Chicwish
 Loafers; Off Broadway Shoes | Necklace; Modcloth